Sunday, 25 February 2018

Solo After Action Report - OHW Flank Attack (2) - Germans vs BEF

Here are some photos of a solo battle I played through this afternoon. I chose the One Hour Wargames Scenario 7: Flank Attack (2) to see how the WW2 rules play out and see if they needed any modifications.

The setting is Northern France, summer 1940. The Red forces holding the objective, the main hill, would be the plucky lads of the BEF. The attacking Blue forces in the scenario were my early war Germans. The Wermacht would attack from front and flank in an attempt to capture the hill and strike a blow to the British rearguard. The Brits had to hold the hill at all costs.

The German forces consisted of three infantry units, a Pak 36 anti-tank gun, and two tanks, a Panzer IV and a Czech 38t.

The British had four infantry units, a 2-Pounder anti-tank gun and a 25lb-er gun howitzer.

To summarise the action, the main German thrust was on the British left flank, whilst the German anti tank and one infantry unit demonstrated against the BEF centre. The BEF lads soon noticed the typical shabby Nazi trick and redeployed to counter it. The German infantry attack stuttered a little at first, leaving their tanks to drive deep behind the hill. However, despite the Panzers' speed and firepower they could not consolidate their gains without their accompanying infantry. When the German foot soldiers did advance, the British artillery piece was ready for them and the 25lb shells carved bloody holes in their ranks. The British 2-pounder anti-tank fire from the hill had mixed success, but with assistance from heroic neighbouring infantry, the German panzers were defeated.

Towards the end of the battle, with only a anti-tank gun for support the German infantry pushed hard up the hill, but with poor dice rolls and artillery hammering them, they were ultimately defeated. In the One Hour Wargames rules, anti-tank guns are rather redundant if the enemy has no armour on the table, so the Germans had one sixth of their force at an immediate disadvantage. In contrast, the British artillery piece did sterling work and survived the battle with only one point of health remaining. Unsurprisingly my Zvezda British medic team had lots to do! The last remaining British infantry unit, comparatively untouched on 9 points of health out of 15, had managed to stay out of trouble during the early stages and thereby formed a good "meatshield" protecting the howitzer.

Overall a tense battle, again showing that anything outside of cover and within line of sight doesn't last very long on a Second World War battlefield! It's also a good idea to attack with all of your units simultaneously, and if you lack artillery support, throw your men forward as soon as possible!

The only thing I would improve for next time is to include a bit more battlefield clutter and light cover for this wargaming period, as artillery vs infantry engagements are absolutely brutal!

The last couple of photos show the British commander raising his hand in appreciation to his men, and the knocked out Panzers behind the hill.

Recent ECW units finished

I finished these guys a while ago but just hadn't got round to updating the blog. Here are some Artillery units (Parliamentarian mortar and Royalist cannon) a Royalist unit of Reiters (heavily armoured cuirassiers) and the final unit of Roundhead infantry (greencoats).

I've made a start on the final Royalist Infantry unit, fittingly wearing red coats, representing the King's Life Guard of Foote. As always, all of my English Civil War figures are from Revell's Thirty Years War range except for the artillery and crews, who are produced by A Call to Arms, set 59.

Saturday, 24 February 2018

Team Yankee / Cold War OHW - before and after photos

Here are some before and after photos of my US and British tanks. The new paint schemes have really brought them to life after a few years of gathering dust in my 'modern forces' cardboard box. Back in Kent I have a BMD-2 infantry fighting vehicle and a spare Sheridan (both from S-model) still to assemble but as aforementioned the Plastic Soldier Company T-55s are inbound. I really need to sort out a prototype set of One Hour Wargames rules to go with them all!

Team Yankee British Challenger 1 and Warrior IFV finished

So my British repaints have now been completed. I'm really happy with the camouflage on the hulls and weathering on the tracks. The fire extinguishers in a subtle red add a little colour to the Warrior but I'm happy with the drab appearance of the Challenger.

As the Plastic Soldier Company released their 1/72 T-55s yesterday I'm expecting to receive my two boxes sometime next week, so there will soon be some armoured adversaries for my US and British vehicles. After finishing my science fiction / Weird World War 2 project (more on this soon), I'm going to begin a squad of Italeri 90s US infantry so the tanks aren't unsupported by the footsloggers!

Saturday, 17 February 2018

2nd Afrika Korps Panzer III

Below are a few photos of my second Panzer III for my Afrika Korps force. Originally I intended this Panzer to be in early war grey but as I packed on the stowage on the rear of the tank, I changed my mind! The machine gunner on the turret is from the Plastic Soldier Company German Alte Halftracks set. The paint scheme is my standard Afrika Korps mix of Games Workshop paints - a Tallarn Sand undercoat dry brushed with Ushabti Bone and inked with Nuln Oil. At the moment I am using decals in a representative way - I don't think the German crosses were actually applied to the turret roof or hull front in reality, but I'm happy with the end product.

Sunday, 11 February 2018

WIP Team Yankee British Challenger 1 and Warrior IFV

Here's some photos of my British repaints for Team Yankee so far. I've managed to get the camouflage colours how I want them through liberal inking and I'm happy with my drybrush highlighting of the vehicle surfaces.

My Challenger 1 is pretty much there, just need to apply some Games Workshop Karak Stone around the tracks and track guards to give it that finishing touch of dust and grime.

The Warrior needs some brown inking on the two fire extinguishers (these are probably not red in reality, but I wanted to break up the drab camouflage with a feature or two). Then the obligatory dusting of the tracks and underbelly.
I haven't decided on a role for my Warrior model - it could be a reconnaissance vehicle or a transport for some infantry. With the sadly snapped-off main gun (the Rarden cannon should be longer) another option is a representation of an AA unit.

I'm looking forward to getting these finished and arranged with my American tanks in a 'before and after' comparison photo.

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Team Yankee American tanks finished

Here are the finished tanks, after many an ink and some drybrushing, I'm quite happy with how the camouflage came out.

In my OHW wargaming rules I will consider the M1 Abrams as a main battle tank. It will be able to take large amounts of damage and deal out plenty of hurt in return. Main battle tanks will be one of the most numerous units in my rules as they take the 'infantry' slot of the One Hour Wargames unit types. With the iconic Soviet tank columns in my mind, I don't want a game where tanks are few and far between. Along with the Abrams, other tanks I consider MBTs are the British Chieftain / Challenger, the Soviet T-80 and, perhaps controversially, the Soviet T-72.

Comparatively, the older brother of the Abrams, the M60A1, will be designated a medium battle tank. This unit type is an alternative choice to the Main battle tank; instead of one tough tank you can use two less powerful tanks. This gives you flexibility and numbers over heavy armour and devastating firepower. Other tanks I want to include in the medium battle tank category are the German Leopard 1 (if the Plastic Soldier Company bring them out in 1/72) and the second rate Soviet T-55 and T-62. Consequently I need to pick up another M60 at some stage to accompany the 'A1.

Friday, 2 February 2018

WIP Team Yankee M1 Abrams and M60A1

Here are a few photos of my first two tanks for my 1/72 Team Yankee forces. I loaded the stowage racks and stripped the Revell M60A1 of the majority of its reactive armour. I applied a coat of Deathworld Forest Green followed by an ink coat of Athonian Camoshade before starting the MERDC camouflage scheme from the Team Yankee rulebook. Not quite finished yet but very happy with how they look so far.