Sunday, 30 April 2017

1940 BEF British infantry - second batch

Here is my second batch of 1940 BEF infantry. With the exception of the Zvezda officers beckoning their men forward, these models are Revell WW2 Australian infantry. Though they are intended for use in the desert, the figures with hard hats looked good enough to employ in my BEF, and although they are slightly smaller than the other two Zvezda infantry squads, they are uniformly painted so should blend in well enough on the gaming table. 

M3A1 Halftrack with 75mm gun

This is my first of two M3A1 Halftrack models from Italeri. These are stopgap fire support Halftracks armed with the versatile 75MM, employed before the Sherman tank became widely available in the desert theatre. In my desert forces I want to be able to use them as either British or American, so I have omitted decals. Using the One Hour Wargames rules I have the option of using it as an anti tank gun. I tried battle damage on the sides of the vehicle with my clippers and with a fair bit of weathering, I thought it looks ok. The crew are one Revell Australian Bren gunner sans gun, and a Revell 8th Army NCO figure with a Thompson SMG; I figured the crew would carry some smaller weapons for close encounters with enemy infantry.

Panzer IV Ausf F1 - Early War

This is my attempt at an early war Panzer IV, a tank that I can employ with my 1940 Wermacht forces against the British and French, but also use against the Soviet Union when I get my Russians based for the wargaming table.

This Panzer IV represents either an Ausf D or an F1, armed with a low velocity 75mm main gun. As far as I am aware, not that many saw action in France but they formed a considerable part of the German Panzer force when Operation Barbarossa started in 1941. 

Hasty Barricades from S and S models

I've just finished 4 pieces of resin Hasty Barricades from S and S models. They will make a great addition to my wargaming terrain. I'm hoping to combine them with Armourfast houses to represent a 'town' in One Hour Wargaming rules. This would form a potential objective for the armies fighting, and these barricade pieces are the perfect length for my Renedra wargaming bases. I've used a variety of GW paints and inks, with a bit of drybrushing to raise little details. In my experience resin models are a massive faff usually and halfway through painting these up I felt they would look awful. But GW inks like Agrax Earthshade and Athonian Camoushade make the sacks and barrels look the business.

WIP Armourfast Farmhouse 1

This is my first attempt at an Armourfast Farmhouse. To use it for a variety of periods (1700s onwards) I wanted to give it some slight battle damage but still retain the main structure so that wargaming units can hide behind it. The next stage will be strengthening the joins with Liquid Green Stuff and using the same substance to break up the surface of the cream coloured plastic.

Sunday, 16 April 2017

1940 BEF British artillery - awaiting crew!

These are two 18/25lb gun howitzers from the Plastic Soldier Company 25lb box set. I've sacrificed the wheels from the limbers to make two extra guns, and now assembled and painted I am quite fond of them. I think it's all the rivets and how it's very much a transition gun that straddles both world wars. The real weapon was used by the 1940 BEF as the classic 25lb field gun was not ready so a number of WW1 vintage 18 pounder carriages were hastily converted.

I am going back to Kent, and the original command bunker, to collect a few projects to take back to Bristol, and I will be using the crew from the HaT WW1 US artillery box to furnish these guns with crew in suitable attire. It's interesting to see how the BEF of 1940, bereft of their tanks, air support and motorised transport, doesn't look all that different to a 1916 vintage force.

1940 BEF British infantry - first batch

DAK Project - Panzers finished!

Here are the finished Panzer III Ausf G and Panzer IV Ausf F2 Special for my Afrika Korps force. The desert odyssey has started!

Saturday, 8 April 2017

DAK Project - DAK Infantry, Fallschirmjager and support weapons

Here is my rough plan for my Afrika Korps army (tanks, antitank guns and heavy artillery not included). The models are Revell Afrika Korps and Italeri German Paratroopers (Tropical Uniform). Looking at using Bolt Action rules in the future I have created support weapon squads to bolster my standard infantry formations. I have a small command section of 3 men at the top of the photo, and can field 3 infantry squads of Afrika Korps infantry, 3 squads of paratroopers (Fallschirmjager), with a Paratrooper Mortar team and Sniper team. I will also base up an Afrika Korps flamethrower team, a team of machine guns (the infantry lying prone in the main photo) and another Mortar team. That makes 11 units and an optional command section to take on the Desert Rats. Sehr gut!