Sunday, 16 April 2017

1940 BEF British artillery - awaiting crew!

These are two 18/25lb gun howitzers from the Plastic Soldier Company 25lb box set. I've sacrificed the wheels from the limbers to make two extra guns, and now assembled and painted I am quite fond of them. I think it's all the rivets and how it's very much a transition gun that straddles both world wars. The real weapon was used by the 1940 BEF as the classic 25lb field gun was not ready so a number of WW1 vintage 18 pounder carriages were hastily converted.

I am going back to Kent, and the original command bunker, to collect a few projects to take back to Bristol, and I will be using the crew from the HaT WW1 US artillery box to furnish these guns with crew in suitable attire. It's interesting to see how the BEF of 1940, bereft of their tanks, air support and motorised transport, doesn't look all that different to a 1916 vintage force.

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