Sunday, 28 May 2017

WIP Martian Assault Tripod 1

The following are the most recent photos of my first Martian Assault Tripod model from the All Quiet on the Martian Front model range. The legs and body have been painted with GW Leadbelcher followed by a generous coat of GW Nuln Oil ink. The underside of the 'head', arms and tentacles have undergone the same coats. The main head cover has been painted with Ushabti Bone - I'm paying homage to the various colours of Dr Who Daleks. As this is my first one and it has two grabbing claws only, it will represent a command tripod, leading by example. In comparison with the original game mechanics I have not included an official Heat Ray, and I won't be doing so on any of the other tripods. I always imagined the heat ray weapon being head mounted, either in the central eye, or on this model, possibly emanating out of the head's distinctive 'crest'. The heat rays provided on the sprues are the only thing I don't like about this range of models - in my opinion it looks more like an oversized remote control than a terrifying energy weapon. I will also be using the green gas bombs and storage tube as something totally different - again it is a little too cartoony for my creative vision. I'll show how I intend to use the green gas accessorised in another article, let's just say it'll be "shocking" pun intended.

The main eye of the tripods is coming along nicely, I'm going for a Sauron-esque reptilian red eye using a combination of GW paints.

I've also decided to customise the base for this model. I've done a couple of scenic bases for my WW1 models in the past, so I'm going to use the same method - white tack as a modelling putty along with various accessories from my bits box. An Early War Miniatures trench accessory has now been painted up as a signpost for the base. Grovers Mill is the name of the farm where the Martians first land in Orson Welles' renowned radio adaptation of the HG Wells novel. So a mixture of homages to sci-fi will be included in the final product.

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