Wednesday, 18 October 2017

ECW Royalist Artillery

Pictured below is my first unit of English Civil War Royalist artillery. The crew's red sashes and the red markings on cannon wheels denote its allegiance. I decided to edit the One Hour Wargames rules for my  English Civil War armies as artillery was at this time becoming a more common sight on the battlefield, despite of woeful mobility and a general lack of expertise in its use. I am led to believe by the second book of the Stryker Chronicles that artillery and siege specialists from mainland Europe were greatly sought after for their services. The Royalists, with their obvious connections to France would have been well connected with such experts, but let's not forget that Parliamentarian forces also used veterans of the Thirty Years War to bolster their military leadership.

In the wargaming rules themselves, artillery will be much like its American Civil War equivalent (a - 2 penalty to damage rolls) but with a range of 36",  so it cannot sweep the entirety of my gaming mat. 

My ECW artillery units are the only non-Revell figures in the collection - they are manufactured by A Call to Arms as Royalist Artillery, and you get 4 cannon and 16 crew in a box. 

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