Sunday, 3 December 2017

WIP German Medium trucks

Here are some photos of two trucks I'm working on at the moment for my World War 2 Germans. They're both from the Plastic Soldier Company German medium trucks box, and went together very easily. The only delay to assembly was painting the driver and passenger before sealing them inside the cab. The grey truck, which has a removable canvas top, will serve as battlefield clutter or an objective for my Early War Germans, whereas the dark yellow Blitz will be given a generic camouflage scheme so it can serve a similar purpose with any of my other Wermacht forces.

I've given them a black ink all over so now it's time for some drybrushing / highlighting, as well as a little weathering. As I'm relatively new to the latter technique I have a tendency to overdo it, but hopefully I'll reign myself in from making these vehicles look like rusted hulks!

Meanwhile, I'm also in the process of finishing my second WW2 British 2-pounder AT gun team. Once that is ready for battle, I will have one last German infantry unit to paint up and base before my 1940 BEF and early Germans can clash on the battlefield, using the One Hour Wargames force compositions.

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