Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Panzer III Ausf L Flammpanzer

This is a German late war flame tank, a Panzer III fitted with a large flamethrower instead of a main gun. I have exaggerated its appearance by placing two large fuel drums on the back with some petrol cans, both from the PSC German tank accessories. The turret and hull have extra armour but to differentiate it from my other late war tanks I've gone for a conservative grey colour scheme and no side skirts (Schurtzen). This is one of three late Pz IIIs from the Plastic Soldier Company box. The other two have schurtzen and are fitted with a short 75mm and long barrelled 50mm gun respectively. The kit goes together very well and the slightly chunkier scale makes it both robust and easy to customise with extra furniture. One of my favourites.

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