Sunday, 18 December 2016

PSC Shermans

I have finally downloaded Blogger on my phone, so I feel I can start catching up with lots of posts on this blog.
This posts focuses on my first trio of Plastic Soldier Company Sherman tanks. They consist of two Fireflies and an M4A4.
One of the Fireflies I converted into a depiction of the eponymous tank from the film Fury. Lots of stowage on the fireflies give them a real lived-in feel.

The Firefly mounted the most potent British antitank gun of World War 2, the 17-pounder. It was the only weapon that could take on the heavier German tanks of 1944 /1945 with consistent efficiency. However, the Shermans so armed would have a distinct extended turret and the gun itself was noticeably longer than the average 75mm. The hull mounted machine gun was also removed, but no extra armour was provided.

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